How To Choose the Best Current Movies for Family Night
Watching current movies has slowly changed in terms of the experience theaters offer over the last few years. There are so many more options available to moviegoers in terms of theater availability & offerings. However, even with the growing cottage industry of the movie experience, there is a number of people still asking, "What's the best way to choose a movie for my entire family?" After all, no matter how great the movie experience is if it can't fit your family's needs, it's of no use. The family dynamic does change things a bit as you have to be more aware of young ears & eyes, as well as be vigilant about your environment & whether it works for kiddos. Rather than worry, though, think of finding the right movie for a family night as a fun adventure that involves the whole family. For starters, use the family computer together & hop onto the Internet, put in a search for movies out right now and your zip code, and bam - you'll hav...